Diamond grinding tools are necessary for many contracting jobs, such as cutting asphalt and polishing stone. The key is understanding the different types of diamond grinding tools and which is right for your specific job. Keep reading to learn more about the various types of diamond tools and their applications.
Diamond Grinding Wheels
Diamond grinding wheels feature abrasive diamond segments welded or pressed along a wheel-shaped cup. To use a cup wheel, you’ll mount it along a concrete grinder to grind down your working materials, such as concrete, masonry, granite, and other hard stones. You can use diamond cup wheels to grind down materials to fit a specific size or length and for polishing and removing debris such as paint or finish.
Diamond Grinding Discs
Diamond grinding discs typically feature a flat surface with fixed diamonds at intervals across the surface. These discs are ideal for grinding and removing debris from the surface of your working material. Diamond discs range from strong grit to gentle enough to remove the glaze from ceramics and pottery.
Diamond Abrasive Blades
If you’re looking for a diamond tool that can produce a clean, precise cut in various materials, including masonry, concrete, brick, and other stone, choose a diamond abrasive blade. Diamond blades don’t cut through these materials. Rather, they grind down the stone or other surfaces until it creates a clean edge. Diamonds are adhered to the outer edge of the blade to create abrasion. The grinding process results in cleaner cuts and precise lines and prevents the jagged edges that traditional saw blades produce.
Categories of Diamond Grinding Tools
Each type of diamond grinding tool above comes in different specifications and categories. For example, some working materials call for a gentler grind, like ceramics. On the other hand, certain styles of grinding wheels and discs come with higher removal rates for tackling harder materials and larger areas. Always match your diamond grinding materials with your project needs to avoid damaging your tools and wasting materials.
Now that you know the different types of diamond grinding tools to look for, you can better select the equipment that meets your business’s needs. Every contractor should have a trustworthy diamond grinding blade or wheel at their disposal. You can find a wide variety of diamond tools here at Pro Blades Outlet to meet your needs.